I have heard about having an elevator pitch, before, but never knew how to effectively word one for myself. That is until people started asking me that horrible question:
What are you going to be doing when you resign?
It took me a weekend to sort out the exact wording, but I am completely happy with what I have come up with. I think it is rather effective, providing a perfect answer to shut up nosy people, but also giving enough information so that someone who really wants to know more can ask the right questions.
I run a small market homestead, based on Permaculture principles, but also earn cash by writing, training people and from other small businesses. According to experts like Richard Branson and Robert Kiyosaki, it is not good to only have one source of income in today's economic climate.
I want to be self-sufficient concerning food, water and energy and also have enough to be able to share with those less fortunate. At the same time, I want to empower those people to be self-sufficient, too!Having a ready answer is not only a cool conversation starter, but it also makes people take you more seriously than when you look like a goldfish out of the water.
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